Sunday, March 9, 2014

flowers & fruit

flowers & fruit by Wanderfull1
flowers & fruit, a photo by Wanderfull1 on Flickr.
Saw this on my way to work yesterday. This week an 82 year old woman was killed crossing a street in Chinatown. This is the fourth pedestrian death in Calgary this year. No news on what exactly happened or who was "in the wrong."

Reader comments to news reports have been extreme pro-drivers/anti-pedestrian and visa versa.

As a pedestrian, I have to admit I've had moments when I've almost been clipped by people just not paying attention. It's the "entitled" drivers that tick me off. The one's that feel that it's everyone for themselves, might is right, and I'm the mightier in my big SUV so watch yourself.

When a driver buzzes by me while I'm crossing in a crosswalk, there are days when I wish I could clip them with a paint gun. Make a mark for pedestrians everywhere! But then "that would be wrong." The driver would cry victim, even though he almost took my life, and I could be charged with something.

There's got to be a way pedestrians and drivers can co-exist (without leaving it to natural selection). Covered crosswalks? Arms that drop down like on train lines? A little compassion for the other guy or gal, maybe?


* Calgary Sun

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